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Children of God

Aug 30, 2013

Hi Friends!

I love it when I can finally get a new song off of my little scrap of crinkled paper and into a formatted chart. I just finished a song called “Children of God” based on Romans 8:14. I'm sure you've heard someone say that we're all children of God, but the Bible gives us a different definition. It says that “those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.” So... Holy Spirit speak/Bend our hearts to hear/Holy Spirit flow in us!

About 20 years ago, during my Christian Artist Wannabe Phase, I recorded some songs on a friends 8 track Portastudio with nothing more than a drum machine, synth and electric guitar. I was intent on making a whole album but I only completed 4 songs. The recording quality was actually pretty good for what I had and the songs aren't bad either (I think 20 years removed allows me to say so). I posted 3 of them on YouTube. Just search Al Hilgendorf and you'll see the three newest entries. I won't mind it if you also subscribe to my channel!

Could I ask you a huge favor? Amazon, iTunes and the like use ratings to recommend music to people who are searching for new music that match their preferences. It would really help a lot if you would give your rating to “I Will Follow” or “Let Heaven Come Down” on your preferred digital source. If you want to write a short review, that would be wonderful. Good ratings and reviews go a long way with these distributors in choosing what to recommend.

Thanks so much and have a blessed week!
